Parenting in the Digital Age: Key Insights and Advice

Parenting in the Digital Age: Key Insights and Advice

Written by: Andrés Suro



Time to read 5 min

Parenting has always been  a journey filled with challenges and learning opportunities , but in the digital age, this journey has taken on new dimensions. Nowadays, being a parent means not only guiding your children through the more classic aspects of life (like learning to ride a bike) but also exploring with them the vast and complex digital world.

It's a fact that  new generations have a special knack for navigating smart devices , such as tablets, mobile phones, and, of course, PCs. For many parents or caregivers, this can become a problem, as they are unaware of the potential dangers of the networks and the virtual world and, if they are aware, they do not know how to set limits.

That's why in this article we address various aspects of  parenting in the digital age , providing advice and reflections for all those who celebrate their role as parents, particularly as Father's Day approaches. And...  Why do we celebrate this day? 

Why We Celebrate Father's Day

The celebration of Father's Day is a tradition that varies in date and customs around the world. In Spain, for instance, it falls on March 19th, yet its essence remains consistent across countries:  it's about honoring the influence and role of fathers in their children's lives. 

The question "why do we celebrate Father's Day?" leads us to the following reflection:  the figure of the father represents a role of love, sacrifice, and guidance . On this day, we seize the opportunity to recognize and value it. It's a special occasion to express our gratitude and love, whether with a sincere "happy Father's Day" or with a small yet significant detail that demonstrates effort and mutual affection.

Although we already know that the dedication and commitment of being a father is something that extends to every day of the year and through the different stages of fatherhood. Therefore, as we anticipated in the introduction, in this article we will focus on the challenge that contemporary parents face in raising their children in the digital age.  What does it mean to be a father in these times? 

How to Be a Father in the Digital Age

Being a father in the digital age  entails the main challenge of integrating technology into upbringing in a positive and balanced manner. The biggest handicap for fathers in the era of social networks is knowing how to guide their children in the responsible and safe use of the internet and digital devices.

This involves setting limits, fostering dialogue about everything children encounter on the internet and the content they consume online, and teaching them about the importance of privacy and digital security. At the same time, leading by example and being a good role model for them in their digital lives. And yes, this involves having uncomfortable conversations with them.

How to Connect with Your Child: Uncomfortable Conversations

This virtual era has introduced entirely new topics of conversation between parents and children, some of which can be uncomfortable or difficult to address. However, establishing a communication channel based on trust is essential for connecting with your child. Addressing  topics such as online safety, cyberbullying, and digital privacy management  requires maintaining a positive attitude.

How?  The key is to show empathy and understanding . And here's the trickiest part of the matter: access to the internet and smart devices was not a possibility when we were the age our children are now, but the  stages are similar . So:

  •  Young children have a curious mind , one of exploration, of seeking answers, characterized by an (almost) blind trust in what their elders say, especially their parents.

  • Whereas  teenagers begin to challenge and question the veracity of everything  their parents impose.

What can we do then?  Maintain an attitude of active listening and offer practical advice without judgment . This not only strengthens the relationship with your children but also better prepares them to face the challenges of the digital world. We know it's easier said than done, so let's break down this issue.

First Step: Virtual Education

Virtual education has become an integral component of the digital age, especially in light of the recent global pandemic.

The best we can do in this regard is to foster a learning environment at home, where both academic achievements and the development of digital skills are valued because, as we already know, life is not just about solving math problems or knowing how to conjugate verbs. We also need to prepare them for the future and reinforce the importance of the concept of  continuous education . What does this mean? We give you the 9 keys here.

The 9 Keys to Educating Your Child Virtually

Early and Continuous Education

Start talking about these topics from an early age  and continue the conversation as they grow. Adapt the information to their age and maturity so they can understand and apply what they learn.

Lead by Example

Children learn by observing . And, as we mentioned earlier, use technology responsibly in front of them. Demonstrate safe practices online, such as thinking before sharing personal information and using appropriate privacy settings on social networks and other platforms.

Create a Trusting Environment

Foster an environment where they feel comfortable talking about any online experience , whether positive or negative. Let them know they can come to you if they face uncomfortable or concerning situations on the internet.

Teach About Digital Privacy

Explain the importance of online privacy and why they should be cautious when sharing personal information, such as their location, full name, and photos.  Teach them how to properly configure privacy on social networks and applications.

Recognize and Respond to Cyberbullying

Teach them to identify cyberbullying and how they can respond safely . This includes not responding to aggressive or offensive messages, saving evidence of bullying, and reporting it to a trusted adult or the corresponding platforms.

Use Parental Control Tools

Make use of parental control tools and applications to monitor and limit their online activity , especially if they are very young. However, as they grow, it's important to balance supervision with their need for privacy and autonomy.

Educate About Internet Safety

Teach them to create strong passwords and not to share them with anyone , except with their parents. Talk about the dangers of unsafe websites and phishing, teaching them how to identify warning signs.

Encourage Critical Thinking

Help them develop critical thinking about the information they find online , differentiating between reliable and unreliable sources and the risk of believing in fake news or participating in message chains.

Discuss the Impact of Technology on Daily Life

Reflect with them on how technology affects their relationships , their emotional well-being, and their time. Help them find a healthy balance between the digital world and the real one.


Parenting in the digital age is a complex and constantly evolving journey. As we approach Father's Day, it's an opportune moment to reflect on how technology has changed the way we connect, educate, and raise our children. Whether through gifts that foster shared experiences or through crafts that express love and creativity, the essential thing is to strengthen the bonds that unite us.  Happy Father's Day to all those who, day by day, take on the challenge of being parents in the digital age! 

Andrés Suro

Author: Andrés Suro  (Sexual Coach at MYHIXEL)

Psychologist specialized in the social area and expert in sexology applied to education.